
Story-telling on Skype with a Russian teacher- for Pre school

On 17 December 2020, the students of Pre-School had an opportunity to interact with Ms Nadezhda Ivanova, teacher of English at the Secondary School No.5 in Krasnoyarsk, Russia and MIE expert.

Ms Ivanova narrated a Russian fairy tale, 'Repka-The-Turnip' which means 'The Enormous Turnip', in Russian. It is a progressive story, in which a grandfather plants a turnip, which grows so large that he cannot pull it up himself. The moral of this story is that, if we collaborate and work as one, we can do almost anything. The children loved this session and actively interacted with Ms Ivanova.


Next she shared some Christmas traditions followed in Russia followed by which she sang a traditional Russian song, ‘A New Tree Was Born In The Forest’ and then translated it in English. 

For our young learners, it was a novel experience as they got the opportunity to interact and at the same time to learn the Christmas tradition of a foreign nation on a virtual platform.