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The citizenship program Introduction

Every citizen of India must remember that he is an Indian and he has every right in this country but with certain duties.

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

Ms Madhavi Goradia Divan, member of the Governing Board of The Indian School, took on an initiative to engender awareness among the students about their rights and responsibilities. The Citizenship Programme of The Indian School-Second Shift was thus born. 

We firmly believe that the aim of education is not only to prepare children for a career but to sensitise them to the society they live in. The idea of this programme is to create better citizens by generating awareness about rights and responsibilities. A special curriculum equips students with crucial life skills, self-empowerment, environmental issues, critical thinking, current affairs and politics through experiential and interactive approach. Prominent personalities are invited to conduct workshops to stir up the young minds.

A broad range of themes covered by the programme are outlined below. 

CARING FOR OTHERS AND MYSELF: Our Sanskara Syllabus teaches how important it is to care for fellow citizens, respect public property and extend basic courtesies to others.  Respect for Oneself is introduced early to cover issues of personal hygiene, fitness, wellness and nutrition. Values are taught through mythological tales, guest speakers engaged in social works, and several classroom activities. 

ENVIRONMENT: We learn the importance of improving our environment and our planet for ourselves and for prosperity. Challenges such as water, pollution, climate change and global warming are widely discussed. We incorporate the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a way of life at School. 

LEARNING TO SHARE: Shramdaan is an invaluable learning tool offering a little bit of one’s own time and toil for helping to alleviate the misery of another. Students make items at School like soap, candles, tea-lights, paintings, potted plants, diyas, and herbal holi colours and from these collections contribute wheelchairs to senior citizens, fund surgeries for orphans, sponsor meals for abandoned senior citizens and adopt neighbourhood markets for cleanliness campaigns.  They stage Nukkad Nataks on themes like Cleanliness, Say No to Crackers, Gender Equality and Pollution.

OUTREACH PROJECTS: Students undertake projects for social causes. With the help of projects such as spot fixing or staging nukkad nataks on social issues in public places and  shramdaan, children do their bit to make a difference in the society they live in.

The Indian School has undertaken this  initiative, The Citizenship Programme to engender in children through social projects, field work, and excursions, an awareness about their Rights and Responsibilities as future citizens of their beloved country.