The Indian School-Second Shift remains at the cutting edge of technology, both in terms of pedagogical strategies and in imparting the latest in the use of computers and information technology. Computer is a means of integrating technological developments into the curriculum and also integrating various disciplines like Art, Science and Social Science. We have state-of-the-art labs for Computers, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Psychology. There are specialist teaching rooms for Environment and Social Sciences, Entrepreneurship and Business Studies, Fashion Technology and Engineering Graphics.

The school has a well equipped air conditioned and computerized library, with over 22,000 volumes which include books, videos, DVDs, CDs, subscription to 47 periodicals. It provides a range of reference books, encyclopedia, journals and newspapers and internet facility to enrich classroom learning. Read Aloud Programmes by parents and Story Telling Sessions by eminent authors of children’s books are two interesting features that help inculcate the habit of reading among students.

In keeping with the school’s belief in the multiple intelligence theory, the performing arts- theatre, dance, Indian and western music, and the visual arts-painting, sketching, sculpture and craft work, are both important part of the curriculum. A student of The Indian School-Second Shift is exposed to a broad spectrum of activities, for him to discover his potential and hone skills in the chosen few. The medium of Art creates links with other academic disciplines and helps in their understanding. Students are introduced to the rich and varied artistic traditions of the country and the world outside. They are allowed to experiment and explore in their chosen medium before being guided to a structured approach. The Indian School-Second Shift lays emphasis on physical training, not just to build strength, but also alertness of mind, endurance, neuro-muscular coordination and agility. It imparts training in cricket, basketball, football, table tennis, yoga and skating.