
International Solidarity Day

International Solidarity is not an act of charity. It is an act of unity.

                                                                                          -Samara Machel

We observe International Solidarity Day on 20 December every year, to celebrate unity in diversity. It promotes equality and the respect of every human being, irrespective of  colour, caste or gender. Solidarity is important because not only it helps in avoiding conflict but also in the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.


To inculcate the values of kindness, compassion and unity, our students participated in a plethora of activities.

Story telling is a universally proven way to communicate with children and therefore, the Pre school students were told a story which spoke of ‘What does it mean to be kind ?’ Its forthcoming message was mutual respect for each one and the importance of helping others.

The concept of solidarity and peace was reiterated with a creative activity in the Pre Primary classes. The children printed with their palms and pasted heart shaped cutouts on on a drawing sheet as symbols of oneness in the world. 

The students of classes I and II made posters on the theme, international peace and security. An audio – visual clip was also used to illustrate the ways to foster solidarity for the achievement of the Sustainable development Goals.

Discussions are important to make an active classroom. It encourages the students to freely express their thoughts and opinions. A discussion was held with the students of class III on the positive impact of globalisation and how it has challenged inequality and helped in the eradication of poverty.

The spirit of solidarity holds in its hands, the power to bring about social peace. A discussion on the importance of solidarity was conducted with the students of asses IV and V, where they were taught the advantages of co – operation and amiable relationships. A video on unity in diversity was also shown to the students.

The importance of solidarity was demonstrated by a presentation and a short video for the students of class VI. The students expressed themselves by composing short poems in Hindi and making posters on the theme.

Music is the universally loved. It is the solidarity and dedication of  frontline workers that is sustaining us through the pandemic period. The students of class VII collaboratively wrote the song ‘Ten days of lockdown’ that expressed their gratitude towards these ‘angels’, in the guise of health workers.

The pandemic has resulted in the digitalisation of almost everything. Following this trend, the students of class VIII created digital posters to support the values of peace and harmony.

We, at The Indian School-Second Shift firmly believe that true development can only be achieved with unity and it is only by teaching our students the value of solidarity, can we prosper globally.