
World Environment Day 2020 Celebrations

“ It is time to protect our planet, restore ecosystems and to build back better. Both for nature and for people.”- Anne Larigauderie

Following the above thought, The Indian School-Second Shift took immense pleasure in being a part of the global festival of World Environment Day  on June 5, 2020. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, this special day was observed, keeping in mind the theme, ‘Biodiversity’, through several activities which were conducted online and at home. It was an exercise to reflect and redirect oneself towards making the world a better, safer and more equitable place for all living beings.

World Environment Day is instituted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). Based on this year's theme- ‘Biodiversity’, this day was observed with a host of activities across classes 3 to 8.

The students of class 3 collected fallen leaves of various shapes and sizes in and around their homes to do leaf craft. They crafted small animals like the owl and butterfly; some students even made innovative headgear with leaves! The students branded their T-shirts with short, catchy slogans as a shout-out to protect the environment. They planted saplings, made cloth bags of old T-Shirts and built nests for birds.

The students of class 4 took the initiative to build their own bird-feeders and planters using recyclable material at home. It showed their concern for the environment and its beings. They took steps to reiterate the need for waste segregation and how we can start it from our own homes. Adding to this, each student wrote a self composed pledge on the occasion.

The students of class 5  planted a sapling in their homes with the thought “Each one, plant one” as their ‘green step‘ for the environment. They wrote a self composed poem and designed  posters to announce the occasion "World Environment Day" using waste material such as dry leaves, newspaper and reusable odds and ends found at home. An online leaf painting session was held for the students to integrate art into the process of ‘learning to love’ the environment.

Students of classes 6, 7 and 8 actively worked to create awareness on how humans, animals and plants can live together in harmony. All living beings including humans are interdependent on each other. The students compiled a video to express how the present pandemic has given nature a chance to heal and restore. A series of activities and experiments were conducted to demonstrate how we can replace chemicals, plastic etc that harm other living beings and biodiversity, with alternatives which are environment friendly and allow us to coexist. Some of these activities included preparing a nature tray, a terrarium , bio cleaners, making compost, making environment friendly bird feeders etc. A signature campaign 'Biodiversity is the way ! Don't let nature go astray! was also initiated in order to reinforce awareness on the year's theme.

A Webinar on “India’s Environment” by Mr. Vimlendu Jha, activist, social entrepreneur and founder of the youth run NGO, Swechcha, was attended by students. The webinar focussed on the environment and social development through alternate approaches.  An essay writing competition was arranged for the students, to pen their thoughts and views about the importance of preserving biodiversity to protect the environment.

With their “Go green, go clean” campaign, our Green crusaders utilised their time at home fruitfully contributing to the environment. Through various activities and talks, the students thoroughly absorbed the importance of the three priceless ‘P’s‘ - Protect, Preserve and Promote Mother Earth.