
Virtual session with a Vietnamese educator

Storytelling is the most powerful way to put ideas into the world today.-Robert McKee

On 9th November 2021, Ms Ngc Qunh (Kery), an educator from Vietnam engaged the tiny tots of PP Swan via a virtual session on Google Meet. A seasoned English Language Facilitator at the Pathway School in Vietnam, Ms Kery brought alive the famous story, 'Let’s Be Friends' by Marshall Bex.

In a mesmeric voice, she unfolded the story of 3 animals; a fox, a mouse and a goose. The fox wanted to play with his friends but hr had no friends as everyone thought that he was too cunning. The mouse had no friends because he was too tiny. Both met and became friends despite their differences. The story demonstrated the timeless values of friendship and acceptance. 

The keen viewers observed in rapt attention the illustrations held aloft by Ms Kery. There was warmth in her narration of the story which carried powerful messages of kindness, courtesy, helpfulness and joy.

The students enjoyed the intriguing narrative and responded to the questions asked by Ms Keri.

Our young Foundationers were prompt at answering the questions posed by the teacher across the screen and were lauded by her for their confidence!

Ms Keri was pleasantly surprised to hear the young children share their experiences of the online lessons.

The children also showcased their artwork done during the online classes. Shankyanii presented a rhyme on happiness, Nouman narrated a short story on Halloween and Gaurika shared a recipe of chocolate burfi. Lastly, Ojjait and Aarsh painted and decorated Diwali diyas.

The session concluded on a delightful note, with Samriddhi singing a Thanksgiving rhyme.

Time flew by and warm and friendly vibes filled the interaction, making it a huge success.

Truly, a virtual classroom engages children in a fun-filled and imaginative learning experience where both the teller and the listener create something magical!