
Humanitarian Day observed

“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’ – Martin Luther King.

World Humanitarian Day was observed on 19th August 2020 recognising the importance of aid workers and local actors to humanitarian action. The session was conducted by of Citizenship Coordinator, Ms. Sangeeta Aswani, who spoke passionately about how our little deeds of help contribute to making a  world worth living for.

The session began with a series of names to break the ice and acknowledge the importance of being aware of the world around. The students actively engaged in the exercise and voluntered their replies promptly. Ms. Aswani, to support the thought, set in motion an open talk on the ‘Qualities of Humanitarians’ which proceeded a great extent by exceptional responses.

The discussion underlined that the key role of the humanitarian world is to acknowledge and pay attention to the voices of the community and invest in listening to people in affected communities. To substantiate the same, the session was dovetailed with the present crisis in the world which not only includes the Corona pandemic but also, the Civil War in Syria, the malnutrition issues of Yemen, terrorism in Afghanistan, medical collapse in Sudan and the poverty of Nigeria.

To corroborate, Ms Aswani spoke to the students on the short term humanitarian crises across the globe which include floods, earthquakes, tsunami etc. How then can we, as a united humanity extend our support? She gave the live examples of Angelina Jolie and Sonu Sood.

The discussion was set a step ahead with students’ responses of how the world can

be a better place if each of us can uphold the lessons and values assimilated at various sessions like today. 

Building and enhancing local capacity is one of the key areas of focus for effective humanitarian action. The session came to an end with students’ commitment to reacb our and outeach through donations, generating awareness amongst people and circulating documentaries.

The students thanked our Citizenship Coordinator for the inspiring session with an earnest desire to serve the cause of the day.