
Excursion to Sunder Nursery

With the session coming to an end and final exams approaching it was time to plan a leisure trip. With their picnic bags packed the students of class 4 boarded their buses with glee and excitement to spend a day at Sunder Nursery, on 11th of February. Ever since the kids had heard about the excursion the young Foundationites had started planning. They had decided to carry their cricket sets, badminton rackets, board games, story books and lots of food. They were so excited that before leaving they had already made teams and done all the planning. The teachers had planned a variety of things for them as well- a nature walk, bird spotting, a waste management session by Swechcha and fun games. We finally arrived at the venue. The students hopped off their buses, queued up and walked into the lush green nursery. On reaching they were first given an hour of “exercise your choice” where they were allowed to play games of their choice or do anything they liked (reading,drawing etc). It was so great to see the kids enthusiasm. We were able to identify amazing cricketers, monopoly experts and also fine skippers! Once this was over we were joined by Mr. Ashim from Swechcha who conducted a session on waste management, leading into a plogging activity, where the students were involved in cleaning the area up. Next we went on a nature walk, saw the different tombs and flowers. A few students even carried their binoculars and looked around and into the sky with the help of those to see some birds. They then sat down to have lunch and it was lovely to see them all sharing their eats with their friends. Soon it was time to go back. Both the students and teachers had a great day in the lap of nature. It was also a day full of learning and bonding. We look forward to such a trip soon.

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