
Environment Week activities in classes V-VIII

Mother Earth offers to satisfy each man's needs, but not every man's greed.- Mahatma Gandhi.

It is indeed the need of the hour to sensitise students about being compassionate towards Planet Earth. To commemorate 22nd April or Earth Day, The Indian School-Second Shift kicked off a week-long extravaganza starting from 22nd April 2019 to 27th April 2019 as Environment Week where the teachers geared up students to various subject related activities.

Students of Class V created and solved word problems relating to environmental issues. The Lorax a movie based on the book by Dr Suess was screened and this was followed by the making of book jackets and writing reviews of the film. They painted bottles and planted saplings in them. Catchy slogans were written on newspaper strips and silhouetted like a tree.

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Students of Class VI opted to make digital posters rather than posters traditionally done on chart paper, to create awareness on the topic, My healthy habits to save the environment. They decoded slogans related to the environment by solving various mental math problems. They re-used plastic material and created decorative items .They also took a pledge and planned action. They framed two actions plans they would implement to save the earth. The little archaeologists created fossils with biodegradable epoxy compound and also made word clouds on protecting the environment.

Students of Class VII designed popup cards for marking Environment Week. They created board games out of waste materials. Students enthusiastically researched on climate change on earth. They created five little globes and projected the temperature rise.

As a group activity, students of Class VIII coined slogans to create awareness about the environment. They created a group game on polynomials using waste paper to reinforce the idea of re-use. Students worked on declaration sheets giving expression to their opinions with reasons to stop climate change and one promise that they made for a better future.

Assemblies organised during the week were based on topics related to saving the environment like creating superhero stories on saving the planet from pollution, watching videos and discussing possible ways to take care of our planet. As India is aiming that 30% of its public transport will be switched to electrical means by 2030, the children discussed alternate means of transportation. Students also participated in a debate on the topic Humans are dominating Earth.

All the above activities were targeted to prepare our young citizens to be more compassionate towards their environment. It was a delight to see the energy, dedication and sincerity with which the students participated in all the events.