
Class 4A engages virtually on Christmas with peers in Israeli school

 “Collaboration allows us to know more than we are capable of knowing by ourselves.” - Paul Solarz

 On 13 December 2021, the students of class IV-A of The Indian School-Second Shift along with their class teacher Ms Tincy Kaur collaborated virtually with the students and their teacher Ms Michal Aizik of Yaakov Cohen from Kiryat Ono, Israel over the Google Meet platform.

The students had fun guessing the names of the countries to which their counterparts belong in the game of ‘Mystery places’! Both sides offered clues about their cities, animals, national flags etc. After guessing the countries accurately, the students from Israel introduced themselves and shared about their festival “Hanukkah” and how they celebrated it during their holidays. Soon after, a spectacular dance performance by the partner school on a Hanukkah song made everyone shake a leg to the beat.

Thereafter, our student Samridhi spoke about our school’s culture and ethos while Hitaishi shared about the cuisines of India. Later, Mohammed Ayman spoke about the beautiful monuments and statues of India through his mesmerizing presentation. A short story on Santa Claus was narrated by Mohammed Aahil which was thoroughly enjoyed by the Israeli pals.

To keep the spirit of Christmas alive, Niyanta, Ahana sang the evergreen Christmas carols: Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer and Santa Claus are coming to town. It ignited a spark and made them join the chorus. Alongside singing, our students showcased the beautiful Christmas cards which they had made for their counterparts.

The session continued as both the groups introduced themselves and shared their interests and hobbies. Later, Ms Michal also taught our children a Hebrew word “Shalom” which is used to greet in Israel while our students taught them “Namaste”.

After much excitement and fun, the session came to an end as Gatik concluded with a song “We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year” filling the hearts of all with happiness and joy. Ms. Michal thanked and appreciated the students for their wonderful presentations and said that they look forward to interacting again.

Both sides wished Christmas greetings and promised to meet again with much to share.