
WASH- Sustainable Development Goal #6

Special assembly by class 3  

A country is known by its citizens, ones who live a healthy and disease free life. Clean air, water, sanitation and personal hygiene play a vital role in building a strong country which counts on its citizen for its growth and development.

A special assembly was conducted on 24th October, 2019 by the students of class  3 of The Indian School-Second Shift, in order to create awareness about the problems of poor sanitation and its ill effects on our personal well-being. 

We as responsible citizens of India have the duty to pay attention to our sanitation which affects human health. The students of class 3B gave an introduction about ‘WASH’, which is a collective term for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene. It relates to sustainable development under goal number 6, which calls for clean water and sanitation for everyone through the sustainable management of water and hygiene.


They threw light on the indiscriminate use and practices that have led to a water scarcity in different parts of the world by showing an informative video. The children also spoke about the techniques that need to be adopted to protect and conserve the 3 per cent potable water available. Measures named included rainwater harvesting, remembering to him tightly close the tap when not in use etc.

A creative skit was organised by the students of class 3C to spread awareness about the importance of sanitation and personal hygiene. Through their role play, the students showcased the various methods which can be adopted to curb the spread of waterborne diseases. 

In order to have a stronger impact of the message of WASH, the students of class 3A sang a melodious song on sanitation. It reflected on being united to fight the battle against the odds of dirty water and an absence of cleanliness. 

An incredible dastangoi performance was then presented by the students of classes 3A and 3B that told the amusing story about two village women debating the importance of toilet facilities in villages. 

A few videos and short animated movies were also shown to give a glimpse of the present state of our country in these respects. Due to malpractices, the quantity and quality of clean water has depleted. It was heartbreaking for the students to see people using their ration cards to purchase two buckets of clean water! 

At the assembly, the students pledged to preserve water from being contaminated.

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