
World International Peace Day celebrations

“World peace begins with inner peace”

We constantly seek new and innovative approaches for student engagement to bring about positive changes. Observing International Peace Day at The Indian School- Second Shift gave our students a chance to understand the importance of maintaining peace amongst themselves, within our families and in our surroundings.

As a part of this endeavour, the Pre primary teachers held a Peace Day celebration for the children which they enjoyed thoroughly. The Pre School students made doves with hand impressions. As we know the Dove is a symbol of peace.

In another activity, the children made cards in which they sponge painted doves. In these, they wrote a message to the world on Peace.

The children were told the significance of Peace Day in class. A general conversation about how we can make our planet a peaceful place to live drew a spontaneous and animated response from the little children, who came up with  innocence filled suggestions that we should practise breathing exercises, we should not fight or shout at others, we should drink cool water etc.

The teacher ended the session with the saying “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace”. She urged the students to imbibe the value of love, harmony and non-violence and become instruments of peace in their homes and surroundings.