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World Hindi Day activities

“Hindi is not just a language, it’s a way of expressing our culture and heritage.”

World Hindi Day is observed on January 10th every year to commemorate the first World Hindi Conference held in January 1975 at Nagpur. The day was observed with engaging activities across the different classes, highlighting the significance of language and culture. 

The Pre schoolers participated with contagious enthusiasm in playful activities, storytelling sessions, and engaging games. The air echoed with the innocent voices of the tiny participants reciting rhymes and Hindi poems, fostering an early love for the language. The primary objective of the event was to instill a sense of pride in the Hindi language and culture from the very beginning of their educational journey. 

The Pre primary students showcased their creativity and language skills through a delightful Hindi rhyme presentation. They also moulded Hindi Vyanjan with clay, adding a hands-on and imaginative dimension to their linguistic exploration. 

Class 1 students enjoyed a Hindi story narrated by their teacher, centred around the lives of farmers. The students further showcased their understanding by drawing pictures of farmers and tools, turning a language lesson into a multi-sensory experience.

 Class 2 students explored the beauty of the Hindi language through poems and stories. Following their exploration, they created visually appealing posters and wrote slogans, adding a touch of creativity to their linguistic journey. 

Class 3 students were encouraged to become storytellers in Hindi. Brimming with enthusiasm, the students shared interesting stories using handmade crafts as aids. This activity not only honed their language skills but also showcased their creativity and confidence in expressing themselves in Hindi. 

The celebration underscored the power of Hindi as a language, being the second most spoken language in the world. Beyond just linguistic development, the event aimed to foster a deep connection between students and the cultural richness associated with Hindi.

In conclusion, the World Hindi Diwas celebration at The Indian School-Second Shift was a resounding success, emphasising the importance of language, culture, and pride in the Hindi language from the early years of education. The engaging activities not only made learning enjoyable but also laid the foundation for a lifelong appreciation of the language and its cultural significance.