
World Heart Day celebrations

The Indian School Second Shift celebrated World Heart Day on 29th September, 2022. The day is celebrated to spread awareness about cardiovascular disease which causes nearly half of all the non-communicable diseases in the world. With world leaders committing to reduce global mortality from non-communicable diseases by 25 percent by 2025, the day has come to be observed on 29 September every year.

Classes 6 to 9 participated in “My Healthy Heart” activities, aimed at making students aware about the heart, its functions and to inculcate in them good habits to keep the heart healthy. In each class, students participated in a quiz in class on the heart and its functions, related diseases and their treatment. It improved their overall knowledge about the heart and its efficient working.

Students of class 6 had a discussion in class about the heart as an essential organ of the body. They were asked to share their views in class regarding their knowledge about how to maintain a healthy heart. Students were encouraged to eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and maintain a balanced BMI, so that their hearts remain healthy and function properly.

Class 7 was asked about its food habits. They were encouraged to draw pictures of their favourite food, which revealed how many children prefer junk food! They were instructed by their teacher to eat healthy food, carry a fruit in their tiffin everyday  and avoid junk food. They wrote about the heart and its significance on an A4 sheet, and also drew diagrams of it.

Class 8 made attractive posters on the theme of World Heart Day, and wrote slogans on maintaining a healthy heart. Some posters beautifully articulated the circulatory system and the function of the heart in it.

An interactive session was organised for class 9, where lifestyle disorders and ways to overcome them were discussed, as the modern lifestyle has emerged as a major reason for heart disease and failure. The discussion ended with a meditation session, where students relaxed and meditated and were encouraged to practise the same as a stress buster.

With the aim of spreading awareness about heart health and to promote a healthy lifestyle from a young age, World Heart Day was observed with innovative and informative activities and sessions.