
Workshop on Cyber Security for classes IX and X

On October 4, 2024, The Indian School-Second Shift, marked National Cyber Security Awareness Month by organising a cyber security workshop for the students of classes IX and X. Conducted by experts from KPMG, India, including Mr Anmol Nayyar, Ms Twinkle Mulchandani and Mr. Shubham Gupta, the session focused on vital strategies for ensuring online safety in today’s digital world.

Mr Shubham Gupta began the session by highlighting the importance of strong, unique passwords and the risks of oversharing personal information, such as email addresses, which can lead to phishing attacks. He also stressed the significance of multi-factor authentication (MFA) for securing accounts.

Ms Twinkle Mulchandani followed with a discussion on safe internet browsing, warning against unsecure websites and the dangers of cyberbullying and online grooming. She emphasised the importance of reporting such incidents and practicing responsible online behaviour.

Mr Anmol Nayyar concluded the session by addressing the risks posed by AI-enabled cyberattacks and deep fakes, explaining how these can manipulate audio, video, and images with harmful consequences. He also touched upon career opportunities in the area of cyber security.

The session ended with an interactive Q&A, where students expressed their curiosity and eagerness to learn more. Overall, the workshop equipped students with practical tools to navigate the digital space responsibly and securely.

The event reinforced the message of promoting  “Happy and Safe Internet for All,” encouraging responsible online behaviour among young people.