
Visit to the National Museum-class VI

Learning should be joyful and full of excitement. It is lifes greatest adventure ; it is an illustrated excursion into the minds of the noble and the learned. -Taylor Caldwell

In an endeavour to provide a see-for-yourself experience to supplement the curriculum, a visit to the National Museum was organised for the students of class VI on 17 May, 2018. The exhibition India and the World is a collaborative endeavour of the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangharlaya ( Mumbai), the British Museum in London and the National Museum, New Delhi. The purpose of the exhibition was to bring to light Indias glorious past for the citizens of Delhi and to explore connections and comparisons between India and the rest of the world. Iconic objects representing important landmarks of Indian history in a wider global context, were on display.

The exhibition showcased the story of India in nine sections, ranging from themes such as, development of cities, courtly lives, states and empires, religion and politics.

Over 200 iconic objects from 10 countries-sculptures, inscriptions, coins and paintings, were on display. These exhibits highlighted Indias relationship with the rest of the world and provided an opportunity to our students to observe how diverse peoples express ideas in remarkably similar ways.

The students were accompanied by Ms.Yahvi Seth who shared interesting information about these objects and their importance. The visual experience was abundantly accompanied by narratives based on these articles.

A brain storming session preceeded each of the 9 narratives and was followed by work exercises based on the displayed objects. Students also engaged in an hands-on activity preparing Harappan seals from acrylic. Expectedly there was much excitement especially as they were taking these home as souvenirs!

The information accompanying the exhibits was extremely engaging as it offered a rich peak into the glorious historical past; one that otherwise escapes textual documentation.