
Teacher workshop- Introduction to Core Skills

Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes. - Peter Senge.

The Indian School-Second Shift family believes in sharing knowledge and holding hands to work towards achieving a better environment for our students and teachers. With this in mind, our teachers attended an interactive workshop conducted by our Head Teacher, Ms. Susan Thomas and our colleague Ms. Yahvi Seth. They had earlier attended a workshop on - The Introduction to Core Skills, organised by the British Council on 21st July, 2017. The workshop was enriching that they shared their learning and experiences with all of us.

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We were very excited , as there is no end to learning and as students seek to learn new things and improve.

The workshop touched upon the essential core skills necessary for deep learning in the 21st century. The six skills covered in the workshop were: 1. Critical Thinking and Problem Solving 2. Creativity and Imagination 3. Communication and Collaboration 4. Citizenship 5. Digital Literacy 6. Student Leadership and Personal Development

Our resource persons shared a number of activities which included role plays and energisers which set us thinking about how we intelligently integrate these deep learning strategies in our classes.

The session was very interactive, based on peer-learning and the sharing of viewpoints made it even more meaningful.

Ms. Aarushi Tyagi.