
Self-Discovery Week Report (Classes: 5-8)

There is no greater journey than the one that you must take to discover all of the mysteries that lie within you. Michelle Sandlin

When we journey inwards to discover who we really are, we realise our values, our inner talents and abilities, our passions, what empowers us etc.

To foster the above, Self Discovery Week was held at The Indian School-Second Shift from 1st April to 6th Apr 2019. The activities during this week were intended to help students raise their self esteem by focusing upon their positive qualities and aspirations.

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Some highlights of the activities were as follows.

Class V: The Day I Stopped Drinking Milk-Sudha Murty. Reading aloud in the class, excerpts from the autobiography of Ms. Sudha Murty and writing about some of ones own experiences.

Roll a dice activity- Students, by turn rolled a dice and asked each other questions on hobbies, strengths etc. This exchange helped friends know each others lesser discussed qualities better. Students noted down the heights of their family members in cms. Using the data they worked on preparing a Bar graph and studied the difference in height between the tallest and the shortest members of the family. They also prepared a timeline of personal goals that they wish to achieve by 2030! Worry doll Students made their own worry dolls. This activity was based upon the story of a Mayan princess who received a special gift from the sun god which enabled her to solve any problem a human can possibly worry about. The students then wrote down their worries!

Class VI : Students drew a time line from birth till year 2030 as a social science project, to comprehend the concept of chronological order and develop the idea of grasping events of history with ease. Self-expression was attempted by students in Hindi on given situations, where they were instructed to name and describe creative solutions for a particular situation. Students collected family data like age, height and weight and represented the same graphically. In science they did a pair activity of one partner drawing out the food pyramid based on his/ her diet of one day. This was followed by an evaluation of the same by the partner. This reinforced an understanding of the requirements of the various nutrients in the daily diet.

Class VII : Students drew a timeline and represented their personal memorable moments from birth until present. Through this activity students were able to relate integers to their lives by presenting these numbers on a timeline. Students were handed random objects like stone, marker, paintbrush and were asked to befriend them. They were then asked to describe them using adjectives, alliteration etc. They realised that they only imagined all positives about the item! The lesson of the exercise was how we see only the positives if we treat others as our friends!

Class VIII: Students worked on a future saving plan as their math project. They planned to save some amount of money monthly and save enough to match the the cost of an item they wish to acquire for themselves. The data was represented in terms of rational numbers. This activity helped them to make a habit of planning and being responsible. In Hindi they expressed their childhood memories and experiences which were closest to their hearts. They wrote down these experiences and refreshed their sweet memories thus. The students also discussed good and bad behaviour.

Classes 5,6 ,7 and 8 had an interactive workshop conducted by Ms. Sutapa Bairagi on Emotional and Social Skills where they were taught to assess their Emotional Quotient and discovered the reason for the various emotions that we all at times experience.

The children enjoyed the activities immensely and the exhibits of the activities were showcased at the School reception and came in for wide appreciation.