
Self Discovery Week in Pre School

When I look in the mirror I see my face,

And all of its parts are in their place. I see two little ears and one little nose,

I see two little eyes and one little mouth. When I look in the mirror, what do I see?

A wonderful and special me!

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As customary we commence each academic year with Self-Discovery Week. We believe an early attempt to know oneself is the first step of any education. A spirit of enquiry and exploration gets instilled at the start and the childs imagination begins to unleash. Each one is introduced to the awareness that he or she is a unique individual by the exercise of self-discovery. Each child was handed out a mirror and made to look in it pointing to the parts on the face, the colour of the eyes and hair, etc. With their Hands-On, Minds-On, the tiny tots of the Pre school enjoyed looking in the mirror while they drew Self Portraits on slates. Nurturing this child-led activity is an important value in our credo as it is in the small moments of discovery that big dreams are born!


The creativity unleashed was then exhibited for the class and expectedly an animated chatter amongst the children on the displays followed.


By Ms. Kritika Negi.