
Self-Discovery Week- April19

Classes 1 and 2

Discovering your own individuality or finding oneself, is essential in the journey of life. Everyone wants to make a difference to live a life of valuable contribution and the start of that is to realise that human potential has no limits.

Our School has always aimed to provide quality education. We devise innovative methods to bring out the best in our students. One such method is during Self-Discovery Week held at the beginning of the session across all levels at The Indian School-Second Shift. We observe Self-Discovery Week every year with zeal and enthusiasm.

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This year the self-discovery journey began on 1st April and continued through to 6th April, 2019. Several stimulating activities were planned to get the children to make interesting discoveries about themselves.

Classes 1 and 2 had a new activity planned for each day. The week started with sheets of simple questions which the young students were guided to answer. Questions were ones that quizzed their favorite colour, their best friends, what they wish to be when they grow up, the color of their eyes etc. These worksheets aim to help the children build upon their Intra-personal intelligence. For Spatial intelligence, self-portraits are a way to visualise oneself. Students were asked to draw their portraits by incorporating the various shapes and colours within them. They also penned a few self- introductory lines about themselves with the help of their teachers.

Bearing in mind that physical activities greatly delight the children, the teachers decided to take the Self-discovery session outdoors wherein they asked the students to stand in a circle and then to exchange their places with their peers in the circle, based upon the instruction. For example, when the teacher instructed- Change places if you have long hair! All the students with long hair swapped places. The person left in the middle then gave the next command. The idea was not just to discover things about oneself but about each other others too. It was a fun activity and generated a lot of laughter!

The types of people our children look up to makes a great difference in their lives. Following from this, they were introduced to the concept of Role Models with a help of a PPT where the teachers began by discussing their own role models. Students were asked what they want to become when they grow up and about who their role models are. Students identified their role models and listed reasons for choosing them.

Friendships are a reflection of ones own personality. They have the power to make or break us. Although at a young age it might not seem that it impacts us much, but who we befriend is a big deal. The students were asked to ponder about their friendships with the help of stories.

To conclude the week, the students were made to note down the things that make them happy on a cutout of a big flower. The children were very excited to take this flower home to share with their parents. They also wrote various classroom rules on pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

All the activities were engaging and thought provoking. The young Foundationers came up with unusual pieces of work which were later exhibited in the School reception area to be viewed by all.