
Saving the trees excursion

The future is in our hands, lets take a stand to preserve our land.

This was the conviction in the minds of all the students as they arrived at Netaji Nagar to lend support to the drive against the felling of trees.

On 9th July, 2018, the students of classes IV, V and VI went on a nature trail organised by Mr. Verhaen Khanna, founder of New Delhi Nature Society ( NGO). His work involves creating awareness about the grave harm being done to the environment. He believes in making the average person a lover of trees.

At the site where torn tree trunks lay forlorn, it was a grievous spectacle. Heartbroken citizens had plastered messages such as around were trees that had been cut, trees that had been uprooted and trees that looked so sad. Many of these trees had messages on them such as, Murdered, Why did you kill us?? we just gave you oxygen! and so on. It was a picture of despair.

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Our students were expectedly deeply affected by the loss. They voiced their indignation - the people doing this should be punished and humans should not be allowed near the trees were their spontaneous outbursts.

The students discussed the situation with Mr. Khanna. When asked for ways to stop this mass felling the children said they would re-start a Chipkoo Movement of sorts and show their solidarity by embracing the trees. They tightly clung to the ample tree trunks and seemed to feel a natural connect.

The most enjoyable part of the nature trail was the chance at the tree climbing. Climbing trees is just so much fun! was the unanimous refrain! The students were asked to form groups of 4 and then shown how to climb up on the trees. They scrambled up and perched themselves on different branches. The children loved being there. Not once did they complain about how hot it was! All one could see was the inseparable bond that they seemed to have formed with the trees.

The trail ended with the kids going around the Banyan tree shouting slogans and making promises to save the trees.

The entire activity was very enriching. As the accompanying teacher I felt very proud to see our students make this connect with nature and express their unconditional love for trees at such a young age.

Ms. Yahvi Seth.