
Postcard making in French by classes 6-9

The students of The Indian School-Second Shift recently engaged in a captivating activity centred around French culture and heritage. With their creative minds, students from classes 6 to 9 delved into the adventure of postcard making, using it as a medium to explore and share the richness of French culture.

During the activity, students meticulously crafted postcards depicting various aspects of French culture. They sketched iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, showcased some delectable French cuisine and highlighted the customs and festivities of France. Each student filled his/her work with creativity.

This creative experience enabled the students to not only sharpen their artistic skills but also expanded their knowledge of the French language. Through their beautifully crafted postcards, students became ambassadors of French culture, sharing their newfound insights with friends and family. The activity also fostered a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity and sparked curiosity about the world beyond their own.

The French postcard making activity proved to be a success, combining creativity with cultural exploration. As students shared their postcards with pride, they not only celebrated the richness of French heritage but also paved their own paths of self-discovery and language development. It is through such immersive experiences that students continue to broaden their horizons and become global citizens of tomorrow.