
Nelson Mandela Day celebrations across the classes

On July 18, 2024, we celebrated Nelson Mandela International Day with a series of engaging and educational activities across the classes to honour the life and legacy of Nelson Mandela.

The students of class 3 watched a documentary about Nelson Mandela's life and struggles. Following the screening, they engaged in a lively discussion, sharing their thoughts and insights on Mandela's enduring spirit and his fight against apartheid. This activity helped the young minds to understand the importance of resilience, justice, and equality.

Class 5 showcased its artistic talents by creating beautiful portraits to commemorate Nelson Mandela International Day. Each portrait was a reflection of admiration for Mandela and his extraordinary contribution to humanity. The students' creativity and dedication were evident in the detailed and heartfelt artworks.

The students of class 4 expressed their appreciation for Nelson Mandela by making e-cards. These cards honoured Mandela’s life and promoted the message of peace and unity among their peers. The activity encouraged students to think about how they can contribute to a more peaceful and harmonious world.

To further embody the spirit of Nelson Mandela, we organised a "Kindness Challenge" for classes 8 and 9 students who performed small acts of kindness at School and in the community, such as helping classmates, sharing resources and showing gratitude to School staff. Students also participated in a group discussion to share their experiences and reflections, emphasising the positive impact of their actions.

Additionally, students created informative and inspiring posters depicting Nelson Mandela's life and his significant contribution to society. This visual representation aimed to inspire peers to follow Mandela's example of compassion and service.

The Nelson Mandela Day celebration was a resounding success, with students actively participating in various activities that not only honoured Mandela's legacy but also instilled important values of kindness, peace, and equality. Through these activities, our students were inspired to emulate Mandela's dedication to making the world a better place.

We are proud of our students' efforts and their commitment to carrying forward the principles that Nelson Mandela stood for.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela