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National Pollution Control Day activities

“Pollution is nothing but the resources we are not harvesting. We allow them to disperse because we’ve been ignorant of their value.”         

R. Buckminster Fuller

National Pollution Control Day was observed at The Indian School – Second Shift on 2nd December 2022, with an aim to raise awareness among the little ones about the increasing air pollution and educating them about how to control it.

The teachers sensitised the students about the current conditions of serious environmental pollution, its disastrous consequences and also suggested methods to control it.

The students of classes 1 and 2 observed the day through awareness activities, appealing to the society to ‘ Go Green’ and create a pollution free environment for healthy living. They made colourful posters with inspiring messages written on them. An informative short video on the agents of pollution and ways of minimising them were shown to the students in their classrooms.

The occasion is in honour of those who died in the Bhopal gas catastrophe on December 2nd and 3rd, 1984, due to the leakage of the deadly Methyl Isocyanate gas. The tragedy is one of the deadliest industrial pollution catastrophies in history.

The students of class 3 and 4 discussed the hazards of pollution. Teachers also explained the various ways to control and reduce pollution in their daily lives. The students shared their views on the topic. The discussion concluded with the song 'Happy Earth, Sad Earth.'

The students of classes 5 and 6 discussed measures that can be taken up in our day-to-day lives to curb pollution. They did a role play to bring out the topic effectively. They also recited a poem “Let’s end Pollution”.

The students of classes 7, 8 and 9 conducted a classroom discussion on the cause and consequences of pollution.

The students understood that it is necessary to control pollution and it is not only the government’s duty. We, as citizens of India should contribute with our efforts to make the world a better place to live.

Students actively participated in great enthusiasm and took a pledge to save Mother Earth for themselves and for the coming generations. The day concluded with the message that we must understand the importance of preserving natural resources and discouraging the further depletion of the environment.