
National Nutrition Week activities (September 1-7)

“He who has health has hope and he who has hope has everything"
- Thomas Carlyle

Keeping the above in mind, The Indian School-Second Shift took immense delight in being a part of National Nutrition Week 2022. In India this special week is observed every year in the first week of September. Nutrition Week aims at spreading awareness about healthy eating habits and highlights the significance of a nutritious diet for the development of overall physical and mental health.

To celebrate this week, the Pre school and Pre Primary students engaged in a storytelling session on healthy food. The story was titled "Pepper had a Stomach a Ache."

The Pre school students built a pyramid of healthy food whereas the Pre primary students assembled a fruit chaat. A healthy food race (obstacle race) was also organised wherein the children picked up healthy food items and dropped them in the 'happy face' basket.

The class 1 students observed the week in a lot of enthusiasm. Throughout the week, the students were encouraged to bring healthy and nutritious food in their tiffin boxes. During break, the students animatedly enquired of each other, ‘What’s in the tiffin box?’

Students drew miniature replicas of healthy food items on a sheet. They also learnt a song on ‘Healthy food versus junk food.’

The students of class 2 participated in the "Balanced Diet Activity '' where they learnt the importance of a balanced diet.

Moreover, through the integration of art in this activity the children were encouraged to choose healthy food and beverages. It helps them sharpen their psychomotor and creative thinking skills. Various colourful and impressive paintings were made by the students which in turn enhanced their artistic skills.

Lastly, good nutrition promotes not only better physical health and prevents disease, but also contributes to cognitive development and academic success. It is also essential to spread awareness on the importance of the various nutrients for the body.