National Nutrition Week activities in Primary
Robert Urich, American actor said “A healthy outside starts from the inside”.
The Indian School-Second Shift observed National Nutrition Week from September 1 to 4, 2023. The event was packed with enriching activities and valuable lessons for the young learners of Pre-School to grade 5. Students expanded their nutrition knowledge and imbibed essential values and life skills through engaging and age-appropriate activities.
The week kicked off for Pre schoolers with storytelling sessions that transported them into imaginary realms where characters emphasised the importance of eating a balanced diet. The children learned that nutritious food not only keeps them healthy but also makes them strong and energetic. The sessions nurtured values such as curiosity, listening, and sharing. Through such methods, we strive to incorporate a holistic way of teaching our children.

Kindergarten engaged with the world of colours and creativity as they coloured pictures of healthy food, enhancing their artistic skills and familiarising themselves with the various food groups. They appreciated the vibrant array of fruits and vegetables, and understood the role each one plays in keeping us healthy. The values of creativity, appreciation of diversity, and teamwork got ingrained in the little minds as they shared their masterpieces.
Class 1participated in a practical exercise of sorting food materials into categories. This hands-on activity helped them recognise the various food groups, understand the importance of each and learn how to make healthy choices. They sorted grains, vegetables, and fruits and also learned about proteins and dairy. The activity cultivated skills of organising, categorising decision-making.
Class 2 participated in a poster-making contest, where they conveyed the importance of nutritious food through their artistic expressions and creativity. Composing posters with vibrant images and catchy slogans allowed them to not only explore their artistic abilities but also reinforce their understanding of healthy eating. Values of creativity, communication, and expression were fostered through this artistic endeavour.
Students of classes 3-5 engaged in a practical hands-on activity where they learned how to assemble delicious and nutritious salads. They learned about the different vegetables and fruits and how to combine them to create tasty and health filled meals. Beyond culinary skills, this activity encouraged teamwork, cooperation, and responsibility as the students collaborated.
The activities not only expanded the students' knowledge of nutrition but also imbibed practical values like teamwork, creativity and responsibility. These values, combined with the life skill of making informed choices about their food intake, will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation for their health and well being in the future.
National Nutrition Week at The Indian School-Second Shift was a journey of discovery, learning, and growth for the students.