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National Energy Conservation Day activities across the classes

We simply must balance our demand for energy with our rapidly shrinking resources. By acting, now we can control our future instead of letting the future control us

-Jimmy carter

National Energy Conservation Day is celebrated every year on December 14. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness among the public at large for the value of energy conservation and efficiency.

The Indian School-Second Shift observed National Energy Conservation Day on December 13, 2022, to ingrain the importance of energy conservation in all aspects of life.

Energy conservation inplies the use of minimal energy in order to conserve energy sources for the future. Everyone must incorporate energy conservation into their every day activities to make energy sustainability plans effective.

The students of class 3 were assigned various responsibilities in accordance with this objective. This included the turning off of lights and fans when leaving the classroom, not littering in the classroom, and so on. Students also penned motivational quotes on posters that they created on the occasion. 

In class 4, there was a discussion about the various methods of conserving energy. One must unplug electronic devices after use, take shorter showers, and so on. The students contributed to the discussion by sharing their personal experiences. They later made posters on the topic.

The students of class 5 made posters depicting the importance of electricity and reducing its waste.

The students of classes 6 to 8 participated in activities such as poster making, slogan writing, and singing, to raise awareness about energy conservation.

A classroom discussion was organised for class 9 on the Energy Conservation Act in India under the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. They also gathered information about various innovative methods of conserving nature's resources which are rapidly depleting.

We must play a role and contribute to the betterment of the nation because energy is a vital resource for all humanity. It is also beneficial to educate children and train them to become responsible future citizens who contribute to energy conservation by making small and big changes.

Participating in energy-saving campaigns and activities is extremely important for energy conservation as someone once stated. “It won’t take much energy to conserve energy”.