
National Doctor's Day celebrations across the classes

 “Medicines cure diseases, but only doctors can cure patients.” — Carl Jung

Doctors save lives, but their importance goes far beyond that. Doctors also make a difference by helping patients minimise pain, recover from a disease faster or learn to live with a disabling injury. A patient’s ability to enjoy life, even if he or she can’t be cured, makes a huge difference to him or her and to the family affected.

National Doctors’ Day is observed on 1 July every year in India .Doctors are heroes of the nation, those who don’t fight at the borders but persevere to save lives and extend life expectancy, sometimes at the risk of their own lives. Itvis this single minded dedication that this occasion reveres.

Our creative students of class 1 celebrated Doctor’s Day with handmade 'Thank you' cards for the doctors in their lives. They dressed up as doctors, paying paid a tribute to them, their superheroes!

The delightful students of class 2 observed Doctor’s Day by making first aid boxes to honour the doctors and to also learn more about the different medicines and tools used by doctors in general. Both critical thinking skill and kinesthetic skills were sharpened as they practiced ' being doctor! 

Students of class 3 did a role play in which they acted as doctors, in the process, learning the valuable contribution of doctors to society at large. This exercise aimed to teach interpersonal skills.

Students  of class 4 made cards, and wrote letters to pay a personal tribute to theife saving effort that doctors often make in medical emergencies and in the recent pandemic situation.

The students of class 5  made first aid boxes and dressed up like doctors. It was their special way of appreciating doctors for their missionary zeal.


Students of class 6 made informative posters showcasing the doctor’s contribution to the healthcare sector, thereby recognising the effort of  doctors and healthcare workers who place their own lives on the line to save others. 

Students of class 7  made alluring posters to explain understand the significance of doctors in our lives and their critical contribution.

Students of class 8 wrote biographies of the doctor of their choice, wherein which they shared the journey and contribution of their, this, special person. 

Students of class 9 discussed the importance of National Doctor' Day with their teachers and learnt about the various ways in which doctors play an invaluable role in guarding lives so amply demonstrated during the pandemic.

This celebration of Doctor's Day made an essential contribution to the overall holistic development of the students and also created awareness among the children about the importance of doctors in our lives.