
Investiture Ceremony 2024-25

Leadership is not just the capacity to translate vision into reality, but also the ability to empower others. With the vision of sculpting our young leaders and inculcating strong leadership qualities, The Indian School-Second Shift held the Investiture Ceremony of our new student council on 4 May, 2024.

The occasion was graced by our respected SMC member, Ms Neena Maini and Headmistress, Ms Sheeja Menon. It was also attended by the proud parents of the elected student council members and representatives of the PTA body. 

The function commenced with a melodious welcome song by the School choir, ‘Hum kare apka swagatam’, setting the tone for  the event. This was followed by the address of the Headmistress, who emphasised that each member is a leader and should work towards his or her entrusted responsibilities. And to do so, they would need to step out of their comfort zones, learn, grow and transform into true leaders. She also encouraged the newly appointed leaders to serve their peers with integrity and dedication. She stressed upon the importance of empathy, teamwork, leading by example and perseverance. 

After her words of encouragement, the newly elected student council members marched smartly onto the stage. They held  the School and house flags proudly as a symbol of accepting their responsibilities and duties. Shining badges and sashes were then pinned on by the esteemed guests. Ms Maini proudly pinned the badges and sashes on  Head Girl, Riddhi Solanki (X) and Sports Captain, Moayin Ali Wani (X), which was followed by the bestowing of honours by Ms Menon and the PTA members upon Sports Vice Captain-Syyed Mohammad Aliuddin (IX), Citizenship Captain-Rishima Raj (X), Co-curricular Captain-Hrishita Jangra (X), Life Skills and Wellness Captain-Aayan Farooq Ahmad (X), Editorial Captain-Arohi Sen (X), and Discipline Captain-Siddhi Solanki (X). 

The respective house mistresses of the four houses of our School exhibited great pride as they did the honours for Riya (IX)– House Captain of Jupiter, Dakshana (V)– House Prefect of Jupiter, Shaumik Sannigrahi (IX) – House Captain of Saturn and Mitali (V)– House Prefect of Saturn, Bhavyaa Chaudhary (IX) – House Captain of Mars, Parineeti Rewaria (V) – House Prefect of Mars, Suhana (IX) – House Captain of Venus and Mohd. Noorul Islam (V) – House Prefect of Venus.

Each student leader took a solemn oath of office, led by the Head Girl, pledging to uphold the values of the school, serve their peers with solidarity, and promote positive change within the community. The atmosphere was charged with a sense of commitment and responsibility.

The ceremony concluded with a vote of thanks followed by the School song. Parents and teachers expressed their joy and congratulated the newly elected leaders.

The investiture ceremony was a resounding success, filled with promises and expectations. The new leaders are ready to lead by example and bring about positive changes in the School community. The ceremony was not only about conferring titles but also about instilling a sense of duty and responsibility in these young leaders.