
Investiture Ceremony 2022

“Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader, success is all about growing others.”

The investiture ceremony is an important occasion where the School entrusts its upcoming leaders with specific roles and responsibilities. Delegation of responsibility and giving authority to children is important as it ingrains in them lifelong skills of authority and accountability.

The eagerly awaited Investiture Ceremony for the academic year 2022-23 was held on 21 May 2022 in the School auditorium. There was an aura of anticipation as the beaming faces of the council members to be sworn in, welcomed the gathering. The occasion was attended by the proud parents of the elected student council members and representatives of the PTA body.

The function commenced with the students beautifully performing a Welcome Dance which was then followed by the song “Rim jhim rim jhim baras jaaye” sung by the School choir.

Finally, the much-awaited moment to announce the leaders of our Students Council and apprise those in the audience, of their achievements. The entire hall was lit up with the radiant faces of the newly-appointed council members. The joy of their parents was evident in their broad smiles as they took photographs of their children. Leadership is about impact, worthiness, influence and inspiration.

To begin this auspicious milestone, Ms Anu Singh, Vice Principal, The Indian School, vested Alankar Misra for the position of School captain, Vishaka Majumdar as Sports Captain and Moayin Wani Ali as Sports Vice Captain . Ms Shonali Mukherjee radiated pride and admiration as she pinned the badge and sash on Sarthak Bhandari as Citizenship Captain, Harshita Khurana as Co-curricular Captain, Samarth Srivastava as life skills and wellness Captain and Samreen K. Saluja as Discipline Captain.

Ms Kanika Batheja, beamed with appreciation as she did the honours for Sabenoor Simran – House Captain of Jupiter, Shreyas Singh – House Prefect of Jupiter and Harsh Gome – House Captain of Saturn. Mr Karmendra Bharadwaj, encouraged the students as he pinned badges and sashes on Punit Chauhan – House Prefect of Saturn,  Saumya Kastuar – House Captain of Mars and Aarav Tripathi – House Prefect of Mars. Ms Anjum Tandon joyously congratulated the young council members Abhinav Mishra – House Captain of Venus and Arohi Sen – House Prefect of Venus.

Our Head Boy then took the oath with his fellow council members, setting a new beginning of responsibility and leadership. The members then held out their right hands, as they were administered the School pledge. They promised to take collective responsibility and use their authority with integrity etc.

Ms Shonali Mukherjee addressed the gathering and congratulated the newly appointed council members. She reminded them of their responsibilities and told them to be impartial and honest in discharging their duties. She also reiterated to them that they must always be role models, upholding the School's values at all times. The ceremony concluded with the students singing the School song and the national anthem.