
International story tellers festival- Kathakar

Kathakar,an International Storytellers Festival, was held at the INGCA on its central lawn from 16 to 18 November 2018 . Our young Foundationers of classes V & VI attended the festival and were truly captivated by the various forms of storytelling. In fact they adopted some of the methods and attempted to narrate stories as they observed. The stories revolved around witches, aliens and animals.

The students heard numerous folk tales from across the world. Ms. Xanthe Gresham from the UK narrated folk tales from Russia followed by a group of blind school children narrating stories of outer space.

Phad, a storytelling art form from Rajasthan was an entirely new experience for the students.Paintings were used and the story unfolded in the local language. Although it was difficult for the students to understand the language, they listened until the end after which it was translated in Hindi.To end the show, Michael Malinowski from Poland narrated folk tales from his country.

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On their return from the festival the students reported that it was a novel experience for them to have been introduced to so many story telling art forms.They named the Dastangoi,and promised to find out more such story telling art forms.

The festival motivated the children to find out more and learn to innovatively narrate stories on stage.