
International Food Fiesta by Pre-Primary

The renowned chef Vikas Khanna once said that a great introduction to cultures is their cuisine. It not only reflects their evolution, but also their beliefs and traditions.

An in-house Food Fiesta was organised by the Pre-Primary teachers and students on 11th November, 2016, to acquaint the young students with different countries of the world through their culture, food and styles of cooking. The chosen countries and their respective cuisines for this Food Fiesta were - India Bhelpuri - Egypt Egyptian Salad - United States of America Club Sandwich - Italy Pasta Salad - Morocco Couscous

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The students were thrilled to hear the story of Pingu, the Penguin who took them on a food journey and introduced the chosen countries and cuisines. The students sang and welcomed Pingu, with the rhyme Penguin Polka which was followed by medley of rhymes relating to healthy food. The students were familiarised with the cuisines of the chosen countries and emphasis was also placed on healthy food and eating habits.

A world map was displayed to help students locate and identify the chosen country along with its flag and cuisine.

The in-house Food Fiesta involved non-flame preparations of a traditional dish of each of the chosen countries in the classroom. The hands-on activity of non-flame cooking introduced the children to the process and the diverse ingredients used to make the dish. The students with the help of their teachers, set up and decorated food counters to display their creations. The students were also dressed in chef attire and in the native costume of each country and welcomed all those present in the native language, like Namaste, Marhaba, Asalam Walekum and Benvenuto!

The children quickly rose to the occasion and proudly held their own, as it were, as they ' sold' the qualities of their creation to their curious visitors! Our parents, students and visitors seemed delighted by the learning achieved.

Report by Ms. Clara Soreng.