

A one-day teacher training workshop was conducted by the Heritage Education and Communication Service, INTACH on 19th April 2022. 42 teachers from 42 schools participated in the workshop from across Delhi-NCR. The esteemed speakers were Dr Purnima Dutt, PD, HECS, INTACH, Mr. Manu Bhatnagar, Principal Director, Natural Heritage Division, INTACH, Ms. Malvika Bajaj Saini, PD, Architectural Division, INTACH and Ms Nirupama Y. Modwel, Principal Director, Intangible Cultural Heritage Division, INTACH.

The workshop commenced with Dr Purnima Dutt addressing the different categories of Heritage i.e., Natural, Built, Material and Living Heritage. She aimed at developing a wider understanding of the notion and nature of ‘heritage’ and developing a critical understanding of the history, theory and ethics of cultural heritage conservation.

Mr Manu Bhatnagar talked about Natural Heritage  covering causes of Risk to Nature, Ecosystem Services, Chinkara Project (Creating water beds), Foldscope (an optical microscope), Roof Gardening and Biomimicry (learning from and then emulating nature’s forms, processes, and ecosystems to create more sustainable designs).

Ms Malvika Bajaj Saini explained that Built and Material Heritage focuses on safeguarding and sharing heritage for the betterment of people’s lives and the environment. She addressed risk assessment, possibilities, adaptations and retrofitting of historic buildings. 

Ms Nirupama Y. Modwel spoke about India’s Endangered Living Heritage, threats and Community/Youth participation.

A group activity was conducted and the teachers visited the INTACH Conservation lab.
The workshop concluded with encouraging words from INTACH Member Secretary Dr C.T. Misra.

It was a very interactive and knowledgeable workshop where every teacher went back carrying ideas to do something to preserve our traditions and heritage for prosperity.