
Extempore Speaking in the School Library

Words can do wonderful things. They can urge, they can wheedle, whip or whine .They can forge a fiery army out of a hundred languid men.

Gwendolyn Brooks.

During the last week of the academic year before the exams, an Extempore activity was held in the library. Classes III, IV and V participated enthusiastically. The activity was conducted to boost the confidence level and hone the public speaking skills of the children. They were expected to express their views on a book they had read and/ or a distinctive topic. The time limit was 2-3 minutes.

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The topics were handed on the spot and each speaker was assigned a time limit of 2-3 minutes. Topics of the activity for classes IV and V were My favourite Book, Our School Library and Books: our best friends, My Favourite Character, If I were a Book, Reading is to the mind as exercise is to the body.

Children of class V discussed their favourite characters from popular stories.

The excitement and zeal to perform amongst the students was palpable from the way they showcased their speaking skills. They spoke confidently and were very eager to speak about their School library. Their affinity for books was evident from the way they spoke. Some insisted that books play a great role in enhancing vocabulary and concentration; even while they help them to be mentally fit and stress free. They spoke with articulation about their favourite books.

I am happy that the children participated enthusiastically.

Ms. Romi Bali. Librarian.