
Excursion to Kiran Nadar Museum of Art

Excursion- Kiran Nadar Museum of Art

1st November 2018 Grades III and IV

On 1st November 2018, the students of classes III and IV visited the Kiran Nadar Museum of Art. This is the first private, modern and contemporary art museum in India. The ambience and the arrangements for the activities were highly artistic. The hosts, Neha Choski, Nalini Malini, Shazia Sikandar, William, Kaushik Mukhopadhyay and Ranbir Kaleka- welcomed us enthusiastically.

Soon began an introduction to the various forms of art and their significance. We were told about the LOC ( the explosion of Art), Dreams and their significance, Delirium ( the unreal things that humans see or experience), Equilibrium ( the balance of emotions), Zeotrope ( Homage to Oum Kolsum), Forests, Neelkanth ( Blue Throat), Oprah Singer ( creating art through music), Iceboat, I am not me, the horse is not mine, etc. The language used was comprehensible to the students. The concept of Neelkanth particularly interested the students as they have been engaging activities to combat pollution, including reinforcing importance of saving trees and cleanliness of the environment. They were told that just as Lord Shiva swallowed poison and his throat turned blue, we are also breathing poisonous air. The students participated in the discussion on the hazardous effects of the landfills. They were then walked through the different halls where the art works of eminent artists were on display. We were also shown a video on the metaphoric events of a fragmented dream. The hosts helped discover the hidden meaning behind this video.

It was now the time for some hands- on experience. The students were handed drawing sheets, colours and sketch pens and were told to attempt the art form named Pictograph/Symbols based on instructions given. The students were extremely excited! It seemed like a meditative activity as each one got engrossed in applying their creativity on the drawing sheets. The works came in for spontaneous appreciation and encouragement by passersby!