
Environment Week across the classes

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed, are the wise words of Mahatma Gandhi. Indeed, it is the need of the hour to sensitise people about being compassionate towards our planet. Every element of this blue and green planet is required to be nourished by us, so that our children can be nurtured.

Earth Day is observed across the world on April 22, and in anticipation of this special day, students of The Indian School-Second Shift observed its annual Environment Week from 16th April to 20th April, 2018 with great fervour.

Different activities were held for each class throughout the week with all students participating in them. The various activities conducted in the classes were:-

Class I The students created a model of the earth using paper mache and wrote slogans on saving the earth. To spread the message that everyone can take care of the earth in their own small way, students also planted few air purifying plants, flowering plants and herbs in egg trays. They were taught to care for these on a daily basis. The students were sensitised about Global Warming, Conservation and Ways to protect the environment through videos. The students also created beautiful bird feeders and hung them on the branches of trees in the School compound.

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Class II The students made posters on the 3 Rs- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. The students took part in an art and craft activity- Kabaad se Jugaad where they used trash creatively to make decorative and functional crafts for display. Followed by a role play on the environment- each child took a pledge to keep the environment clean and shared ways to save the earth. To create awareness about the importance of waste management, a video was shown to the children.

Class III The students made a Promise Wall where they wrote a promises to keep their School and classrooms clean. The students worked in groups and made posters on ways to save the earth and its resources. The students were introduced to green practices like- Plogging where they visited a neighbourhood park to clean up the surroundings with the message was Say no to Plastics. Using their imagination, the students drew themselves as The Planet Saviour-having Super Powers on a sheet and wrote about how they would save the earth.

Class IV The students collected pictures and information on the disappearance of common sparrows from our environment and they listed out the ways to save this bird. The students contributed to the week by writing poems and short paragraphs in Hindi on the topic- Earth without Green. The students creatively designed a leaflet using leaf printing and wrote the 12 things they can do to make a difference in saving the earth. A poster making activity was conducted in the class, where learners came up with beautiful slogans on Save Mother Earth for an Earth Day walk. The students prepared a booklet with pictures of 5 different trees found in Delhi.

Class V A movie based on the book- The Lorax- Dr. Suess was shown to the children. This carries an important message about sustainability and respecting nature. This was followed by the crafting of book jackets, writing a summary of the film and listing trees which have become extinct. The children also created beautiful prototypes of nests using twigs, grass, pieces of cloth, etc and placed these at various places in the School garden. After 3 days, they noted their observations of what all could have transpired in and around these. The children were also taught about the harmful effects of plastic bags on our environment. Keeping this in mind, the children displayed their artistic skills by painting the cloth bags. The children crafted pots of paper mache.

Class VI A movie was shown to the students Walle based on the environment and book covers were also made to illustrate what they best recalled from it. The students were provided with survey sheets to assess whether he or she is an environmentalist! The students prepared a ppt on the effects of global warming and acid rain. They also prepared collages on rain water harvesting.

Class VII A movie based on the book- The Lorax- Dr. Suess was shown to these children too. The film teaches the important message about sustainability and respecting nature. This was followed by the designing and crafting of book jackets, writing a summary of the film and listing trees which have become extinct. The children presented a power point presentation on Hydroponics and Aeroponics to understand the different ways of growing plants without soil. They also researched about different industries in India which have implemented unique green practices to save the environment.

The entire week was thoroughly eventful. It was a treat for the eyes to see many young minds working to spread awareness for a greener earth.