
Earth Day Quiz ( Environment Week )

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22nd, 2017. On this day, various events worldwide, are held to support environmental protection. The Indian School-Second Shift joined hands in this thoughtful initiative along with others in 193 other countries to reach the message to children across the world.

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After a week full of environment related activities, a brain-storming quiz was held on 15th May 2017 for classes III, IV, V ad VI. There were four class-specific rounds of questions embellished with interesting activities. Children enjoyed the activities especially the rapid fire round of questions, segregation of bio-degradable and non-biodegradable things and labeling the structure of a seed and talking about it. The quiz ended with an open-house quiz round which thrilled all the children!

Earth Day is all about appreciating the uniqueness of planet Earth and protecting its sanctity with active initiatives. The Indian School-Second Shift contributed to this thoughtful drive and the children took a solemn pledge to persist doing their bit to preserve always.