
EARTH DAY campaign across the School

Earth Day is commemorated every year on April 22 to emphasise the significance of environmental protection. ‘Invest In Our Planet’ is the official theme for 2022, and it is simply to 'give back' to the planet.

“Earth offers enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed,” said Mahatma Gandhi. We must acknowledge that the world and its bounty are gifts to us, rather than a right that we have earned. We also must remember that this is our only home and its resources should be used wisely.

Keeping the theme in mind, The Indian School-Second Shift observed Earth’s Day level-wise.

Pre school started with the story of "The Three Recyclers", presented by the teacher, to understand the concept of Recycling. The students enjoyed dancing to the song " Save the earth". In addition, the Pre schoolers went on a Nature Walk and made paper bags with old newspapers and balloon impressions on paper to understand Planet Earth.

The students of Pre primary celebrated Earth Day with a medley of educational and fun activities. They were informed ahead about the importance of Earth Day. They crafted headgear with handprints and crushed newspaper.

The students of class 1 went on a Nature Walk, engaged in a  Scavenger Hunt on the school grounds and enjoyed the ‘Reduce, Reuse and Recycle" song with their peers.

Class 2 learnt the importance of Earth Day through story narrations by the teachers and with a craft, highlighting the ways to make our world a better place.

The students of class 3 made innovative posters and carry bags with slogans on them to create awareness against single use plastic.

Taking new strides, the students of class 4 shared their new age thoughts and ideas to restore Mother Earth and her natural aura by making posters and writing slogans to stop the usage of single use plastic.

Class 5 students took steps to reuse waste materials and use their  creative skills by making a garden of waste,  with discarded items. They wrote powerful slogans to create awareness about the harmful effects of single use plastic.

The students of classes 6 to 9 wrote impactful essays on the 3R’s, enthusiastically participated in the quiz on plastic waste management and prepared eye catching posters with meaningful slogans to make us refocus our collective attention on environmental issues.

Students of all the class levels took a pledge to contribute to creating a new, clean, healthy and plastic free India.

These projects are a fun way to add a hands'-on activity to lessons for Earth Day. It’s also a great way to help students reimagine the world they want to live in.