

The weather and mood all pleaded for an outing in the sun which was happily heeded when the tiny tots of Pre-Primary, went to Deer Park on 24th October, 2017!

The sight of the deer, peacocks and rabbits in their natural habitat and that too at close quarters prompted great delight in the children. They learned that male deer have antlers and female ones have horns. The children were curious to know more about the animals and there was a seemingly unending stream of questions from the inquiring bunch!

Soon we settled down in a comfortable spot and spread our picnic fare of rajma and rice. Hungrily the children dug into the hot packed lunch. [gallery link="none" ids="12948,12949,12950"]

From the bleat of the deer to the chirp of the birds, all the sounds and sights of the natural world were very exciting to the little ones. The teachers took photographs with the children to make a memory of the trip.

As a follow-up exercise, the teachers conducted some fun learning activities based on the animals, in class the next day. The children enjoyed participating-some drew, some spoke and some even sang.

Overall, a rewarding experience packed with both learning and entertainment for our young learners.

Ms. Shikha Yadav.