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Classes VIII and IX visit India International Science Festival

The students of classes VIII and IX of The Indian School- Second Shift embarked on an enriching journey to the India International Science Festival at the Regional Centre for Biotechnology, Faridabad on 19th January 2024. The event showcased a myriad of scientific innovations, leaving the students captivated by the marvels of modern science.

Among the highlights was a model of quantum computing, unveiling the cutting-edge technology that holds immense potential for revolutionising computational capabilities. The students were intrigued by a DIY stem cell exhibit, providing insights into the fascinating world of regenerative medicine. Interactive science games and toys engaged the young minds, making learning a playful experience.

The visit also featured a glimpse into the future of agriculture with a genetically modified apple display, emphasising advancements in genetic engineering for enhanced crop qualities. Mobile science labs showcased the accessibility of scientific exploration, breaking barriers and bringing science to remote areas.

The students were fortunate to explore a research expo, gaining first hand exposure to ongoing scientific inquiries and breakthroughs. This immersive experience not only broadened their understanding of various scientific disciplines but also ignited a spark of curiosity and inspiration. Overall, the India International Science Festival at the Regional Centre for Biotechnology proved to be an educational and inspiring endeavor for the aspiring scientists of tomorrow.