
CBSE teacher workshop for Math teachers

“What we learn with joy we never forget." Anonymous

A two-day “Joyful Mathematics Capacity Building Workshop” was organised by the CBSE for Mathematics teachers on 13 and 14 February at the St. Thomas School, Dwarka. 17 participants from various private and government schools such as DPS Mathura Road, Cambridge International School and Kendriya Vidyalaya etc. from across Delhi, were a  part of the workshop. Ms Garima and Ms Tincy Kaur of The Indian School-Second Shift attended the workshop.

Ms Ashima Lamba, Mathematics Coordinator (Primary Wing) of the St. Thomas School felicitated the eminent resource personnel, Mr Subas Chandra Rauto, recipient of the President's Award,with a planter and introduced him to the gathering.

Mr Rauto used an ice-breaking activity¹ to know the participants.

The teachers shared various interesting activities conducted in their classrooms to make the class happy and joyful. The resource person especially appreciated our School for integrating art, music and yoga with mathematics.

He shared different techniques for implementing critical thinking in the classroom. He  emphasised on encouraging and motivating students to participate in classroom discussions. He also said  that the teacher should become a child himeself or herself , as it were, while teaching and also acknowledge the students for their participation.

Mr Rauto showcased various ways of engaging students in a Math class through number games, the magic square etc. as well as connecting the subject with the real world.

He divided the participants into groups and encouraged them to present problems faced by the students relating to the various mathematical concepts and devise remedial measures.

On the second day of the workshop, Mr Rauto divided the participants into groups and asked them to present a challenging topic in the class in an interesting manner. All the groups came up with various interesting presentations. Mr Rauto appreciated our presentation and the mannet in which our group related the multiplication with the other mathematical concepts. Later, certificates were distributed to the participants.

Post lunch many engaging activities were introduced by Mr Rauto such as finding out the mean of given data with the help of a graph, the 9 dots problem, finding out the fallacy in algebraic expressions as well as using abacus models in middle school to introduce integers, coding activity related to the concept of time etc.

The facilitator had brilliant technical and pedagogical knowledge, which greatly benefited the teachers. Many participants shared their experiences at the workshop. It was significant to have ideas from fellow members of the teaching fraternity.