
Awareness campaign on hand washing and hygiene

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), "Hygiene refers to conditions and practices that help to maintain health and prevent the spread of diseases."

Following the above thought, The Indian School-Second Shift took immense joy in being a part of raising awareness about the importance of hand washing to prevent Diarrhoea and maintain personal hygiene and sanitation through various activities conducted at the different class levels.

The students of Pre school, Pre primary, classes 1 and 2 learnt the steps of hand washing through a demonstration shown by teachers and then replicated by the students. This created awareness about the building hygienic habits among the latter in order to prevent the  spread of infectious diseases.

In classes 3-5, students made posters on personal hygiene. Videos on hand washing were also shown to the students. In classes 6-9, students made placards and placed these at all the hand washing areas at School.The aim was to emphasise the importance of washing one's hands in the correct manner.

We believe that the orientation of our children on this good practice will in turn help creating awareness in their families and the community at large .