
Adventure Camp for classes 3 to 7

Their bags were packed and they were ready to go! They were all prepared for a day of adventure, enjoyment and learning. An adventure camp for classes III to VII at the School Eco Adventure Park was organised by School on 26 March, 2019. The camp was facilitated by a team of highly trainedprofessionals.

The children boarded their buses and the fun began. From planning all that they would do, to discussing the landmarks we were driving past, the children made it evident that they were really looking forward to this trip!

ISoon we were out of the city and had left the bustle behind. What we saw around were farmlands, hutments, cows, goats and of course passerby and village folk going about their lives in a more leisurely way!

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The children constantly compared the environment they had left behind in Delhi and the one they were entering. From small cornershops to village schools they noticed a lot. We finally reached our destination.

The weather was pleasant, the breeze was gentle and everything seemed just perfect! The moment the students stepped out at the farm, their expressions were worth watching! They looked in utter awe at the spectacle before them. It was like they had entered a wonderland-entirely different from what they had come away from. The flora and fauna, the fresh air and fragrance and the farm animals. Many exclaimed that they wished they could live here forever!

Without wasting another minute, they put their bags down, put on their caps and lined up to begin the adventure activities. Multiple activities awaited the children and were planned keeping in mind that the children have a fun filled learning experience. They were quickly divided into groups of 15. Each group was assigned to a teacher.

The children attempted adventure activities like the Mowgli walk, artificial river crossing, commando net, commando crawl, tyre climbing, rope climbing etc. The objective of the adventure camp was to teach the children to push themselves beyond their comfort zones and attempt something different. It also helped some children shed their fears and discover a side of their personalities they didnt know. Certain activities were built for their kinaesthetic skills as well as motor skills.

After attempting a few activities the children were served a hot, nutritious lunch which gave them energy to go back and attempt some more. Once done with their activities, they felt triumphant about what they had accomplished! We walked around the farm and enjoyed watching the several endearing farm animals and birds like the rooster, geese and rabbits. Their joy knew no bounds when they were told they could hold the rabbits! It was a sight to see! How carefully they handled the rabbits ensuring that the little ones felt safe and comfortable in their hands. Some of the students talked to these animals like they were little children and went back to them before leaving, to tell them that they would soon come back to meet them! Then they walked around and learnt names of some of the newly planted tree saplings.

As they say, all good times must come to an end and so did this wonderful day. The children picked some fresh vegetables and reluctantly boarded their buses to return to School.