
Activities on World Tsunami Day

In December 2015, the UN General Assembly designated 5 November as World Tsunami Awareness Day. It also tasked the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction, to coordinate the commemoration of tsunamis disasters worldwide.

On this day, the students of The Indian School- Second Shift were engaged in different activities to build awareness about early warning systems and action to protect people, save lives and prevent the hazard from becoming a disaster.

The students of class 6 participated in a word search puzzle where they were asked to identify words related to Tsunami, in a grid. The class 7 students made posters on Tsunami, its causes and effects.

Class 8 read their English lesson 'Tsunami', which has accounts of people who personally faced the disaster in 2004, tales of heroism and sacrifice. It describes the handling of situations sans panic and fear and why animals were less affected at the time.

Class 9 took a quiz on Tsunami as a part of their session on disaster management.

Early warning and early action save lives. The concept of observing this day is to ingrain that, with adequate warning systems and engaging citizens in drives to raise awareness about disasters such as the Tsunami, the impact can be drastically reduced.