
World Mosquito Day

Dear Parents, 

On the occasion of World Mosquito Day, a special programme for children is being held at the American Centre.
Date: Tuesday 20 August, 2019
Venue: American centre, KG Marg, New Delhi.
Cost of transportation: Rs. 150

30 students can be accommodated for this programme. Those interested may hand over the amount to the class teacher by Friday 16 Aug along with a signed consent slip.



Consent Slip

I ___________________________ parent of __________________________, student of Class -------Section _______, permit my ward to participate in the ‘World Mosquito Day’ program on  Tuesday 20th  August 2019.

While I realise that the accompanying teachers will not spare any effort to ensure otherwise, in the case of an untoward incident, I shall not hold anyone responsible.

Signature of Father ______________________ Mother ____________________


Date: __________ Phone No. (F) __________________ (M) __________________