
Weekly Notice Board for all activities 9 May 2022 13 May 2022


Fine Motor Skills Development Activities - Buttoning/Unbuttoning/Zipping, Tearing and Pasting (11.05.2022)

Lemonade Activity (12.05.2022)



Origami Nurse Cap (Paper folding technique) (12.05.2022)


Class I

Poem Recitation: (10.05.22)

Activity on 'Comparing Numbers' (11.05.22)

Class II

Activity on Addition using solid shapes (10.05.22)

Activity on Punctuation Marks (12.05.22)


Class III


Placard making on the likes/dislikes and hobbies of students (10.05.22).


Class IV

: (11.05.22)

Paragraph writing using pronouns(10.05.22)

Activity on changing Desktop Appearance (Wallpaper, Themes and Screensaver) (10.05.22)


Class V

Building a story using Pronouns (11.05.22)

Activity on different Views in a PowerPoint Presentation (11.05.22)


Class VI


Roman Number Table l -100 (10.05.22)

Read a Japanese folktale and review it (11.05.22)

Foods-Test of starch (10.05.22)


Class VII


Discussion on Occupational Hazard (10.05.22)

Fractions- Number games (11.05.22)

Activity on conversion of Binary to Decimal Number System and vice-versa in Computers (11.05.22).


Class VIII


Discussion on Plastics and Environment (13.05.22)

Data Handling- Pie Chart (12.05.22)

Group Discussion on National Disaster Management Act 2005 (13.05.22)

Activity on creating Tables in Libre Office Base (10.05.22)


Class IX


Properties of D-T and V-T graph (12.05.22)

Difference between Polynomials and Algebraic expressions (13.05.22)


Staff Meetings:

English Department Meeting: Monday, 9 May at 11.30 am

Mathematics Department Meeting: Wednesday, 11 May at 11.30 am

Hindi Department Meeting: Thursday, 12 May at 11.30 am

General staff meeting: Friday, 13 May at 11 am.