
Weekly Notice Board for all activities 4 April 2022 8 April 2022


      Hand printing activity - The children will do hand printing using poster colours during Self Discovery Week. (6/4/2022)



      Hand printing activity - The children will do hand printing using poster colours for Self Discovery Week. (7/4/2022)


Class I

      Circle Time games (4/4/2022)

      Self Portrait activity(6/4/2022)

      'My Future Self' ( The children will dress up according to the profession they wish to choose for themselves in the future.) (8/4/2022)


Class II

      Self Portrait-Students will draw a portrait of themselves on drawing sheets. They will also complete the sentences given by the teacher.(4/4/2022)

            eg. My name is ………..

            I study in class ………….


      Hand prints-Students will stamp a handprint on a sheet and will write the positive traits they will try to develop in themselves. 

eg- polite, helpful etc. (5/4/2022


      Talking about the family-Students will speak a few lines about the family at home. (6/4/2022)


      Students will draw/ colour and write about their favourite fruit or vegetable. (7/4/2022)

      Photo frame-Students will create a photo frame using ice-cream sticks and glitter and then paste their own photo in it. (8/4/2022)


Class III


‘If I were a character in a story..'

The teacher will narrate a story to the students. Once the story is complets, the students will be asked to pick any one character from it and describe the attributes of the character that they have identified with. (4.4.22)


      Mathematics-'Figure me out' -Students will list any 8 pieces or information about themselves and their families, using addition and subtraction. (6.4.22)


      EVS-'Look outside the Window' : The students will be asked to look

outside from the windows and observe what they see. They will then draw what they have observed and describe the same in

class in about 2 -3 lines. (7.4.22)


      Computer /Art -Writing down at least five of one’s own strengths and weaknesses using different fonts, styles etc. (8.4.22)




Class IV

      English-Students will make 'self esteem portraits' and write down twenty things they like about themselves within the portrait. They will write these in

different sizes and fonts. They will also write one or two self esteem quotes along the outline of the portrait. (4.4.22)


      Hindi- ( , , )(5.4.22)


      Mathematics-Students will write down the recipe of their favourite dish (fireless

cooking) with careful measures or units of mass.  (They can take the help of their teachers, friends and family members). (6.4.22)



The students will create a personal 

' Garden of Growth'. They will write down the different ways in which they have grown up in the past year on colourful strips of

paper. They strips may then be pasted as flowers on an A4 sheet.(7.4.22)


      Computer /Art

Creating a flow chart or pin wheel on atleast 5 of one’s strengths and weaknesses in

words. (8.4.22)



Class V

      English-Compose a poem Cinquin ( example and criteria attached) based on YOU!

This may be done on a coloured, well-decorated A4 size sheet. (4.4.22)



- , ,

, , I(5.4.22)


      Mathematics-Students will find out their year of birth and list down the main events in their lives yearwise, till March 2022. For example, the year in which they took

admission in playschool, etc. They will place these events with the year on a personal timeline. (6.4.22)


      EVS-'Look outside the Window': The students will be asked to look

outside the windows and observe what they

see. They will then draw what they observe and write 10 -

15 lines about it. (7.4.22)


      Computer /Art- What does the ideal "you" look like? What is keeping you becoming  that ideal "you"?

5 pointers about the same are to be documented in excel with a percentage ( to be displayed on a chart.) (8.4.22)


Class VI


        French-Students to observe and anme things that appear in their living rooms

           with the help of a dictionary.(8/4/2022)


       Hindi- I - I(7/4/2022)


      Social Science-Students are not old enough to vote, but they are certainly old enough to make a difference!

They will find a place among the politicians and the countless television ads with a slogan and poster of their own. (5/4/2022)


Class VII

        Écrivez un passage en décrivant ce qu’ils aiment et ce qu’ils n’aiment

        pas. ( Write a passage about what the student  likes or dislikes in French).(6/4/2022)


      Social Science-India is a vast, diverse country that is home to over a billion people and boasts of a rich cultural history. Visit a heritage place, observe the architecture, the history and write a few lines on it on an A3 sized sheet with pictures.(5/4/2022)


Class VIII

        Écrivez un passage en parlant de ce qu’ils ont fait après les examens

          finaux . ( Students to write a passage after discussing what they did after

          the annual exams.) ( THE PAST TENSE IS TO BE USED). (7/4/2022)


      Social Science-Education opens up the mind, expands it and allows ud to improve our lives in different ways. Students will prepare a collage to compare the system of education in the Pathshala system and that of  modern education in India. Write a few lines on this. (6/4/2022)


      Mathematics-Collect data relating to the family members of 5 families in your neighbourhood and that of your own family. Find the mean mode and median. (5/4/2022)


Class IX

      Racontez ce que vous aimeriez faire après avoir fini votre école.

        ( Tell what you will do after you finish school).



      Mathematics-Represent some rational and irrational numbers on a number line. (4/4/2022)


      Social Science-Imagine that you are a peasant and write a letter to King Louis XVI on the plight of the farmers of France. (7/4/2022)