
Weekly Notice Board for all activities 28 FebruWeekly Notice Board for all activities 28 February 04 March 2022ary 04 March 2022


Presentation on ‘Lifecycle of a Plant.’ 2.03.22


Activity - 3.03.22

Class I:

Making herbal Holi colours 4.03.22

Class II:

English poem recitation 28.02.22

Activity on Solid shapes 4.03.22

Class III:

Talk on Sustainable Energy 28.02.22



Class IV:

Discussion on Green Energy and Energy Conservation 28.2.22

DEAR - 'Drop Everything and Read' 2.03.22

Mathematics Live worksheet 4.03.22



Class V:  

Revision of 3.03.22 Mathematics Live worksheet 3.03.22


Class VI:

Revision of topics - Motion and Measurement 28.02.22

Class VII:

Mathematics Quiz 28.02.22

Class VIII: 

 Mathematics Quiz, Live worksheets 28.02.22

Class VI – Class VIII

Annual examination 2 March onwards


Staff meetings


English departmental meeting: Monday, 28 February at 11:30 a.m.

Hindi departmental meeting: Thursday, 3 March at 11:30 a.m.

Mathematics departmental meeting:  Friday, 4 March at 11:30 a.m.

General staff meeting:  Friday, 4 March at 4 p.m.