
Weekly Notice Board for all activities 27 September to 01 October 2021

Preschool: Role play activity on Traffic Lights. (28.09.2021)

Pre-Primary: Hindi vyanjan ‘’ craft using recycled paper cups (30.09.2021), Making vyanjan ‘’ with clay. (30.09.2021) 

Class I: Making ‘Thank you card’ for Community Helpers (27.09.2021), Assembly on Gandhi Jayanti (01.10.2021). 

Class II: Quiz on Adjectives (29.09.2021), Activity on Gender words (30.09.2021)

Class III: Virtual tour of Sabarmati Ashram (01.10.2021), Cotton Balls activity (01.10.2021)

Class IV: Presenting a speech on awareness about a Corona vaccination camp in your neighbourhood (30.09.2021). 

Class V: Card making on the art/ culture/ festivals/ rituals of the partner state – Sikkim. (27.09.2021)

Classes VI to Class VIII -Half Yearly examinations (ongoing) 


Staff meetings

Teachers of PS and PP: Tuesday, 28 September at 11:30 a.m.

Teachers of classes I - V: Wednesday, 29 September at 11:30 a.m.

Teachers of classes VI - VIII: Thursday, 30 September at 11:30 a.m.

Staff Meeting: Friday, 1 October at 5 p.m.