
Weekly Notice Board for all activities 22 November & 26 November 2021


      Mosaic presentation- 25/11/21



      Making a paper boat (Origami)-23/11/2021

Theme-Water Transport


Class I

      Hindi activity on - 23/11/21

      Winter craft- 24/11/21


Class II

      Math - Quiz Time- 25. 11 .21

      Hindi - Sangya activity using flash cards- 24.11.21


Class III

      Topic : Health & Hygiene

Activity : Salad making- 25/11/2021

      Food Fiesta- Unity in Diversity-22/11/21

      Fashion Parade - States of India- 24/11/21


Class IV-A&B

      Students will create a market scene in the public speaking class playing the roles of shopkeeper and customer. ( Based on a chapter in the book)- 25.11.21

      Math revision quiz- 23.11.21

      Debate- "Internet- boon or bane?" 25/11/21

      Experiment on soil erosion-24/11/21


Class V

      tStudents will discuss the letters they have written to their friends. (Based on a chapter and informal letter writing) -25.11.21


Class VI-A&B

      History-Students will give a Presentation on the Great Wall of China and its importance in History- 22/11/21


Class VII

      Math-Fly in Air- Congruence of Triangles-.22/11/21

Class VIII

      Political Science-Design a web chart on the structure of the judiciary in India- 23/11/21

      Political Science-Quiz on Judiciary- 24/11/21

Staff Meeting-26th November 2021, Friday